
Saturday, wait--

here's the way it typically goes, especially now that the weather is warmer:

wake up--
make coffee & breakfast--
children eat two or three breakfasts, depending on what is put on the table--
attempt to write in the ol' journal--
facebook, blogs, etc.--
explain (again) to Big Brother that his programs don't play on Saturday--
referee toy-related conflict--
think about a shower--
wrangle children into clothing other than pajamas--
send children outside--
play something with children--
get distracted by some item of yardwork--
determine a trip to Rural King is called for--
tell Little Red to stop eating dirt--
stop yardwork project for lunch--
post-lunch naps and mental lull--
late afternoon sports viewing or errands--
scramble to find something to feed children for dinner--
eat while monitoring mayhem created by children eating (or not eating)--
wrangle children out of clothes and into bath--
splash, sploosh, etc.--
contend with children over tooth brushing and getting into bed--
read story--
collapse in chair--
think, "now, what did I intend to get done today?  What student papers did I bring home?"
give up on work--
play video game or watch movie or watch sporting event (if football season)--
read silly novel before bed--

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