
Piers and the bedtime adventure

The house erupts in utter chaos between 6:30 and 8:30 every night, because it is around then that we all endure the process of cleaning up and getting ready for bed.  Because we have two bedrooms for children, and three children, we've had to get Little Red and the Big Brother to double up in the older one's room.  Due to several constraints, we've had to do a makeshift trundle-bed situation (read:  a mattress on the floor).  This doubling-up of two preschoolers in one bedroom is not without its challenges, namely the tendency of Little Red to be wide open whenever anyone else is around.

Well, last night beat all.

Big Brother had already experienced a couple of big-time meltdowns before bed-time, then had another when the usual story privilege was revoked because of cleaning-up issues.  Once that situation had been calmed down, and the parents were busy guiding Indiana Jones and Short Round through the wilds of the Indian Subcontinent, and after Piers had already instructed Little Red that bedtime was not the time to be playing with Legos, we heard the unmistakable sound of an entire container of Legos being dumped out. 


Piers removes Little Red to former bed; Little Red, taking exception to the changed plan, screams bloody murder--and for the first time, I hear anger in his voice.  Oh, there was an unpleasant scene.  He was already tired, though, so by about 9:30 or so (!!!) both boys were finally asleep.

Little Red was in my bed by about 4:30 this morning, laying half on me.  The boy is a little brick.

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