
Better not go to the Forum today.

It's the Ides, the Ides, the Ides of March!

Today I get to be about 75% daddy and about 25% professor . . . spring break is a good time, but for some of us it's just a change of routine . . . the work doesn't just go away. 

Looks like it'll be sunny and cool for most of the week!  If I were really smart, etc., I'd get out on the bike.  We'll see if that happens.  In the meantime, I'll be paying attention to any soothsayers that happen to come my way.


Anonymous said...

I hope you find some time to ride the bike as well as to do everything else in a household filled with little boys. I loved the posting about "Calvin & Hobbes" and know it must be fun reading these great comic strips to Jonathan. I remember those days when you discovered the comic and got such great laughs out of it. I hope you have some great laughs this week with J, Little Red, and Thomas!! Have a great Spring Break.

Grammie said...

Good thing it will be sunny most of the week. The outdoors has some great adventures for Sir Jonathan the Brave and Sir Andrew the Red Barbarian! They are in their element when outside! I had a blast with them last week in the super sandbox. Did you every find the reindeer and the gorilla?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hello someplace. Found [url=http://www.google.com/ncr]you guys through google[/url]. Hope to contribute more soon!