
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king!

Yes, yes.  I have two friends who have a remarkable ability to mimic accents.  They always make me howl with laughter, and they always make me quite envious.  I have no such gift.  Not even close.  Oh, sure, I can entertain my preschool-age children with a made-up accent if I want, but I can't do the brooklyn, or the jersey, or the french, or the cockney, or the latino, or the irish, or the scottish, or even the german! 

That's a skill I wish I had.  I probably find it so hilarious precisely because I can't do it.

I tried to pull one out a couple of times, but I had one of my more saucy students look me in the eye and say, "uh, don't do that.  You're not any good at it."  zing!

Speaking of my speaking voice:  this is day two of my teaching with essentially no voice except a rasp or a squeak.  It's a good thing that I rely so heavily on self-deprecating humor!  If I was wedded to the manly-man approach or something like that, this would be a disaster.  As it is, I can squeak away and not lose any cool-points. 

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