
Um, where should I begin?

Sitting in a presentation this afternoon, one of my colleagues turns to me and says:

Have you lost some weight?

I've lost a good deal of weight.

Oh, really? You start running or something?

[actually, the weight loss is part of the side effects from my depression and the cocktail of drugs that I'm on to keep it under control. My stomach is sour most of the time, not to mention other drug related side effects. ]

No, not really.

What, have you been sick?

er. . .

Long story?

[you might say that]

long story.

I felt sorry for the candidate tonight. During the small reception after dinner, she got cornered by the biggest bloviator in our department. He talked and talked and talked, eventually making his way to "the good old days" in our department (back in the 60's and 70's, natch). Somebody should have tackled him, or at least administered chloroform.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Chloroform is my favorite.