
Family Tree

My entire family is in town, which means:
  • Rock Band
  • football
  • loud conversation
  • movies
  • board games
  • hyper Little Boy
Today, we visited Patti's, which is actually at Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. Their most famous item is the two-inch pork chop. So: big meal, great weather. It was the birthday of KS, my youngest brother's longtime girlfriend (Happy Birthday, K!), so she got a free dessert and has been able to enforce her will with D, my brother (haha). It is most refreshing to me to have my brothers around, and I've been able to talk a lot with my parents about the Semester That Nearly Killed Me.

I'm learning to rightly appreciate, to rightly evaluate, to rightly honor my upbringing. One thing I noted the other night is that the three brothers are each in the arts & humanities. I'm an english professor. B my first brother is in theater. D my third brother is getting an MFA in ceramics at Clemson University. None of us are ever going to make any large amount of money, and I maintain that had we pursued it, we'd all be pretty good musicians. As it is, we've each got an area of ground staked out, and I think we all appreciate what the other does.

In short, it's been fun.

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