
Ten Things.

10 True Things

1. I'm a Trekkie. All versions except Voyager. DS9 especially.

2. I tend to leave my clothes in piles on the floor, and my shoes scattered about the house. And my books & papers stacked about.

3. It is incredible, the lengths I will go to in order to avoid making a phone call. To anyone, just about.

4. I've got a slight obsession with pens, especially fountain pens. But in a cup on my desk I must have five or six each of different kinds of blue & black & green pens. I own 12 fountain pens. Seriously, who needs that many obsolete pens, hmmm? But I'm looking for more, yes I am.

5. I've been to: Japan, The Philippines (duh), Indonesia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England. Other than the Philippines, I've spent the longest amount of time in Japan and Germany.

6. Studied Latin in graduate school, in which classes I discovered what it feels like to be the class dunce. Seriously, I sucked so hard at Latin, it's amazing my regal, bald, grad student instructor didn't just toss me out a window.

7. What I would wear every day if I could: Levi's 501 blue jeans, solid color t-shirt from Gap (or a similar store), Chucks. The button-fly jeans are nonnegotiable. I last wore zip-fly jeans when I was a sophomore in HS.

8. When I enter a bookstore, the first place I head? The science fiction section.

9. I do not expect to ever be off the drug regimen that I'm using right now. I mean ever.

10. I was far closer to suicide last October and November than I ever let on.


Anonymous said...

And I love you for all 10 things...well the 10th one isn't one to really love but you could also say that you fought harder last October and November than you have ever fought before and I love you for sticking it out too!! More than you will ever know! :) As for the other things...just reading those things (that i knew already--yeah me!) made me smile and brought me joy that I know you.

Lindsey said...

YAY! I'm so glad you did this. I found out a lot about you! I am with Wes-a-lee on the, "proud of you" thing. I know what that's like.

Paul Marchbanks said...

I just gotta say I love your wife's response to your transparency.

And, that though I too love DS9 most of all, I was absolutely blown away by season 3 of Enterprise (haven't tried season 4 yet). Some of the best Trek I've ever seen. Here's hoping J.J. knows what he's doing with that Trek movie due out this summer.

Anonymous said...

Chris - you have made my day, my week, my year with these last few entries to your blog. Thank you for sharing these things and allowing us to enter your world even more intimately. Was I shaken by last October and November? More than you will ever know. My hope and daily prayer is that it will never get to that point again in your life! I love you.