

This was a week of slow acclimation to the office again. The first couple of days were surprisingly hard, but it got easier. I was able to get most of my class-related work done, and I caught up on some other paperwork. I had big plans for cleaning up my office, but that didn't happen. I did, however, visit the library and surprise myself at just how much fun I was having looking up books. Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to do much of that last term. I've missed it.

The office is a bit tense these days--every week the budget picture gets revised, and every week the revision looks worse and worse. Departments are merging and changing colleges, personnel are being transferred to other positions, restrictions being imposed on power use, travel, supplies, etc. The thing is, everyone knows it's not enough.

On the bright side: I'll walk into my first class at 9:00 on Monday morning, do the physical 'tells' that I always do, and launch into what I do best. I'm really excited about all my classes this term, whether because of the subject matter, or because of certain groups of students. I'll bet it's strange to hear me utter the word "excited" in reference to myself, but it's true.

Short of paying $80, it is almost impossible to find a good fitted shirt. Especially if you don't want plain white, blue, or black. I'd love to be able to get my shirts from Brooks Brothers. Sadly, I didn't get that 1% raise this year . . . so my shirt budget took a big hit! Why a fitted shirt, you ask? Simple: I'm tired of looking like (and feeling like) I'm wearing a tent.

I've made a momentous decision: for the first time in about a decade, I'm going to let my hair grow out. Just to see what happens.

From the department of tenacious habits: I have noticed that every time I walk by someone, I duck my head. Every single time. Why might that be, I wonder?

I remember well, and I don't remember well. A paradox that seems important right now.

(picture from Mike Mills)

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