

It's snowing--the thick wet stuff. If I could, I'd sit in my front room all night with the lights off, and watch through the picture windows as it comes down. I'd spend the time thinking.

We all went to the basketball game tonight--or at least half of it. The general routine is to get there at 5, roughly halftime of the women's game, and stay until halftime of the men's game, which gives us time to get Andrew in bed at something approaching his normal bedtime. The deal tonight: the team for our Local Educational Institution was playing for their first ever outright conference championship. There was a good, vocal crowd there, which made it especially fun. Evidently, according to the intarwebs, the team representing our Local Institution in fact won the game--and the conference.

My uncle who lives in North Carolina was laid off from his job this past week. His company is probably in its death throes, so this is not unexpected. Still, I think of all the hardworking, pleasant people I know, and he's at the top of the list. I hate for him and his family to suffer this kind of misfortune.

On Monday, I shall attempt the impossible. I shall try to be in two places, at two separate Important Occasions, at once. Results will be shared at a later time. I anticipate only moderate success.

Little Red was most interested in helping me with my work this morning. The Little Boy just wanted me to play Star Wars with him.

It's easy to fall into old habits of thought.

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