

Little Red is 11 months old today. I'm not going to be a tiresome father, but I will say that it's amazing to see how much he is unlike his older brother.

The only conversation that matters at work these days: where are the further budget cuts coming, and now: who's going to lose their job? I know my job is pretty secure--but the question is, what kind of institution will I be working in once it's all over?

Simon was outside again yesterday, snooping around in an unauthorized fashion. It's like he knows his coming fate and just wants to get a head start on it.

I'm surprised, but Ben Jonson appeared to draw more out of my students than John Donne. Maybe I'm just not remembering my first real stab at Donne, but I thought it would have been the opposite.

One of my projects this past week was to recover a means for getting work done in a somewhat efficient and timely fashion. My skills in that area had slipped, and quite frankly I'm more distracted than I've ever been. I find it really hard to concentrate on anything for a long period of time. I think I actually did alright, especially for the first couple of days (the rest of the week was nuts on its own terms). Still, I need to do even more things differently--I'm looking for places where the crowbar and hammer need to be applied.

I was standing outside yesterday afternoon, and yes, it happened: I began thinking about what work needs to happen with the yard. And the roof, blast it.

I walk around every day certain that I'm an open book.

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