
Hold your fire

It went right by me--at the time it went over my head. . .

I can't tell you how many people have tried to tell me; nor can I say exactly why it has taken so long for it to sink in.

Closed for my protection, open to your scorn, between these two directions, my heart is sometimes torn . . .

I did in fact treat life as a threat--the present as an obstacle or inconvenience--and wondered why I felt lonely.

I find no absolution in my rational point of view . . .

But let's face it, all the intelligence and preparedness in the world isn't worth a fig if every day is a burden.

I'm not looking back but I want to look around me now . . .

Farewell regret! Even abject failure and pain has had its share in making me what I am. Isn't there enough for today to occupy my attention?

Like some pilgrim who learns to transcend--learns to live as if each step was the end . . .

Each day is a gift.

Freeze this moment a little bit longer, make each sensation a little bit stronger. . .

If I don't see today in its fullness, then why am I alive? Or am I?

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