
A room of one's own

I always imagined the professorial life as featuring a respectable home study . . . lined with books, with a comfortable reading chair, maybe even a fireplace, a writing table.

Reality: I love many things about the 1970 ranch-style house we inhabit. It's got big windows looking North and South, a capacious garage & attic, a large master bedroom. It is well within our budget mortgage-wise. The yard is broad and wide. But there is no study, and there will be no study. Most of the year, it doesn't really matter, I guess--but late in the term, when the work gets brought home, it sure would be nice.

I get the kitchen table, or my ugly blue chair. They work well enough.


Anonymous said...

I have wondered about using the dining table. Then when the wonderful wife sets the dinner bounty, you don't have to move your stuff. Food for thought. Now, about the study ...

Paul Marchbanks said...

I hear ya, though I actually enjoy the mobility forced on me. I have about 4 spots around the house I can work comfortably w/ my Levenger lap desk in tow.

Paul Marchbanks said...

Definitely avoid visiting Richard Russell in Waco, TX. He has an entire back, corner room devoted to his studies. Crazy how far money will go in central TX compared with central CA.

Anonymous said...

I still have dreams of extending the kitchen and adding a study just for you!!! Won't be as big as the one in the picture. OR we could move. HAHAHA

Piers said...

move?? hell. no.