
Ugh. It's February.

And I've hit the wall. Wes and I have been pleased with the way things have turned out here in NW Tennessee; we both enjoy our respective jobs (motherhood, professorhood), we're slowly making our way into relationships with other families in town (Weslee more quickly than me, big surprise), and we look forward to the weather getting warm so we can start working on the house and yard.

And yet. I've been coming to work all week with basically nothing in my brain. I complete my tasks for the day, leave some things for tomorrow, go home and fight falling asleep until around 10:00. A good friend who is farther along in his academic career (and at a larger, more prestigious institution) warned me that the first year as assistant professor is a rough go, and honestly I felt like I beat the odds last term. For some reason, the hammer fell this week. I'm gritting my teeth more, irritable at work and at home, easily distracted, and withdrawn.

I know, I know. Some of you are saying, "So, that's different from normal how?"

Anyway, do I love my job? Yes. Am I getting the sense that spring semesters are not often my friends? Yes to that as well. I figure that this is one of those times where a little endurance is what's called for.

On the other hand, yesterday's sunrise was certainly impressive. Please excuse the ugly light pole--I dashed outside in the freezing cold (those of you in Chicago stop laughing) to get the shot from the back yard. The picture doesn't do it justice, but this is about as good as it's going to get:


Anonymous said...

That was a very nice sunrise. One of the many things we have been able to take joy in.

As for the wall that you have hit...or that has hit you, the pace you came back to after Christmas was much faster than the first semester. That might be some of it. Another part might be "second semester college Freshman" syndrome. Still, no matter the cause(s) it doesn't solve the wall problem.

I guess that one of the comforting parts is that there are times like this in most things we face. We can be glad to be involved in some thing and yes, even enjoy it while at the same time we can have hard times. I am thinking of marriages (I would, wouldn't I?!). We can be glad to be married and love the person but not be happy with the person at one given time and moment. As you and I have talked about many times, I am glad that we don't always have to rely on the emotions of any given moment.

That being said, I will love you, wall or not. :) You are my Christopher Allen. Heck, if we got through the dissertation, birth, job applications, interviews, acceptance, house buying, moving, internships and graduations all in one year, I think we can make it through anything!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, how come I *just* discovered you have a blog? And I found out third-hand. You cad!

Piers said...

Hi anonymous #2 . . . if I felt like the blog was a better reading experience, I might be more willing to spread the word. Still gotta figure out what I'm doing with this.

blakbuzzrd said...

That is a breathtaking picture. It's the best pic I've seen of a telephone pole in the wild like that. So placid, so calm -- amazing that it didn't see you before you snapped the pic. Must have been the sleepy morning.

Hey, that's a pretty decent sunrise, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry it looked like I was "anonymous" earlier. This is PM back in Chapel Hill. How-dee!

Piers said...

Buzzrd, you're right. . . it was only because I got there reeealy early in the morning that I could catch that pole (which isn't to say 'catchpole,' which is another thing entirely) unawares. West Tennessee nature photography at its finest!