

So a colleague from another department comes striding into my office (I share this present space with a fellow english professor while our true offices are being renovated), talking about the incident with the vice president and the hunting and all that. What a gift to the comedians and the Lettermans, eh?

But as he is fulminating in his shrillish voice, he lets this slip (this is a paraphrase): And so the guy he shot has had a heart attack? Wouldn't it be great if he died, then he [the VP, I think] wouldn't be able to get away with it?

I nearly demanded that he leave. I don't care whether or not people particularly like, respect, voted for, or admire any members of the present administration or any other administration. That's their business. But to express a wish that the victim of this hunting accident would die so that the VP would "get his"--

That's ghoulish, and I don't understand it, and I don't want to understand it.


Piers said...


hayumbone said...

Okay, gregsw; whatever.

The sentiments expressed by that professor are akin to the Blue-Staters who, in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, questioned whether or not charity donations should be given to Louisiana and Mississippi because they are Red States.

It's both sad and disgusting when our country's politics have gotten so divisive that people forget that there are people who would be affected if action were given to such vicious sentiments.

I hold to that "United States of Purple" map for hope, and wish fervently that someone would come along who could not only restore -- really restore -- a little dignity to our national politics, but could also make our similarities, rather than our differences, a little more evident.