
fun with a little boy (updated)

Recent events:

He brought mommy the cat's water bowl the other day. I guess he must have thought an empty bowl needed to be filled, since it was empty when mommy got it.

Recent foods meeting with approval: salsa verde, cottage cheese, brunswick stew. Foods meeting with disapproval: french fries. Go figure.

One of his favorite toys: Mommy's tube of toothpaste. Two to three times per day, he goes into our bathroom, opens the drawer, and roots around until he finds her Colgate. Then the lid goes in his mouth.

Favorite books: Dr. Seuss' ABC, Hop on Pop, Fox in Socks . . . and Chapman's The Five Love Languages. Seriously, he goes to the shelf where mommy's books are, and every time it's that one.

Favorite anxiety-inducing activity: climbing in and out of the chairs at the kitchen table. With the wood floor underneath, of course. I'm just waiting for the busted lip.

Letters mastered: B, J, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Z
UPDATE: I forgot "F"

Today I sneeze while reading him a book, and out of the blue, he says "bless you."

Mommy and Daddy are watching their mouths these days.


Anonymous said...

Today he had BOTH copies of the 5 love languages and was flipping through them while sitting in your chair. Maybe he was checking for mistakes. Editor in the works?

Anonymous said...


thanks for keeping everyone updated Dad! I've been bad about doing it myself.

hayumbone said...

Hey, if he wants any career advice in the publishing field, I'll be glad to help. One can never get started too early these days, from what I hear about cutthroat preschools....

And maybe he'd like french fries better if they were called "freedom fries"? At least he's got Brunswick stew down pat -- he's starting off right!