
To recap the long weekend--

Papa and Honey came to visit, which made for some happy little boys (and happy grandparents)--also some tired little boys, who wore themselves right out.

Piers and Spouse wore themselves out as well:  lots of yard work (still lots to do, but you have to start somewhere, right?), and of course there is still the Beebee to look after.

Big Brother had his first bicycle crash yesterday!  I was so proud.  Especially when he got up and, after crying a little and being assured that he was okay, started riding every bit as fast as he had been riding the first time.

We made good use of Papa's pickup truck, which the boys especially loved because--shhhhhhh!--they could sit in the little jumpseats in the back of the cabin.  Little Red kept trying to convince everyone that we needed to go for a ride in the truck. 

I have to say it's funny to watch the cats try to get a handout or a sign of affection from Honey.  She is a most affectionate lady--but not to cats.  I'll hear, "you don't know who you're dealing with here, cat!" and it makes me laugh.  It's as if it never occurred to them that someone might not want to spoil them!

My bike is in desperate need of a thorough cleaning & tune-up, and I'm thinking something may be wrong with the headset.  Maybe when I get to go purchase the singlespeed (!!!) I can take this one in for a bit of work as well.  I rode it to work today, which meant that I looked silly.  Fortunately, it doesn't matter how silly I look!  Still want a white helmet, though.

I finished DFW's collection of essays A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, and I must say that the title essay--it's a long one--is one of the funniest things I've read in a long long time.  Highly recommended.

We downplayed the gifts & candy for the boys this Easter--we'll probably continue to keep it low-key, not wanting them to focus on the goodies at the expense of the other important things about Easter.

This is boring, maybe because I'm still pretty tired from the weekend. 

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