For the majority of my married life, I've been the primary cook in the household. This changed to a certain degree when we moved to West Tennessee, because for the first time I was putting in long days at work, often coming home after 5:00, often bone weary. The Spouse took over kitchen duties willingly, but not all that enthusiastically; she does it because it needs to be done, not because she enjoys it. I, on the other hand, find it both relaxing and fulfilling.
I've been keeping the menu simple, mainly because we have preschool palates at the table, but it's not like I mind it--I find that even the simplest cooking can be a lot of fun. What's more, I enjoy the challenge of wanting to make something but not having or being able to follow a recipe. I even got a compliment from the Big Brother this evening: "this is a good dinner, daddy!" Meanwhile, Little Red was shoveling it in with both hands. I took that to be a good sign as well.
Now, if only I could find the time to do some serious baking, and an extra 30 grand or so to make the galley we have into a proper kitchen. Oh, and perhaps I should learn to not make such a mess. Seriously, when I'm done cooking, it looks like a grenade has gone off in there.
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