No, he's nowhere near here, but I just read this, and found it pretty evocative. And here's the thing: it's written by one of the sunniest, funniest writers I know of:
The last two weeks have been a bit unfortunate, with the Black Dog prowling and growling in the bushes outside the reach of the campfire light; I just lost enthusiasm for my enthusiasms. I think it’s lifted. The worst thing about Depression isn’t the sense that you’re ac-centuating the negative, it’s that you’re seeing things the way they really are, stripped of the illusions you use every day to divert yourself from the Yawning Maw of Futility. It’s the wind that blows off the snow and reveals the stone.
"It’s that you’re seeing things the way they really are, stripped of the illusions you use every day to divert yourself from the Yawning Maw of Futility."
Are we so sure that is the way things REALLY are or are things really that way because we choose to see them as such? That was annoying I know.
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