The Big Brother has been a space cadet. He gets dressed slowly. He eats slowly. Two afternoons ago, he spent from 1:00 to 6:00 in his room because it took him the latter three hours to clean up the mess he had made. And he's developed a problem: we can't seem to get him to stop putting his hands in his pants.
Speaking of pants, all of his pants are now hovering over his ankles. Upon commenting on them the other night, he responded, "I shot up like a mighty rocket!!" You probably had to be there, but it was funny.
Thomas & Friends are all of a sudden in favor again. The Big Brother has an enormous track layout (that he built himself--we think this is the basis for its new popularity) that is, significantly, exempt from the "clean your room" mandate. Little Red also likes the trains, which has led to some "disagreement."
Other than the above, most of the days are spent pulling the cushions off the couch, spreading toys all over the house, imitating and/or chasing the kitties, spilling food and drink hither & yon, and generally making us tired. Themselves, too--Little Red nearly dropped off to sleep during lunch today.
1 comment:
Just a joy to see these little boys in unusual poses. Jonathan seems to be able to get into any position he wants. Andrew has that look in his eye - I am ready for a nap so get me out of here. Thanks for sharing these special moments both in word and in picture. Don't worry - all little boys like to put their hands in their pants. This too shall pass!
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