Here's what has to happen this weekend:
1. The Big Brother goes to a birthday party
2. The Brian Brown 5k
3. dozens of papers from English 112 graded
4. papers from English 490 graded
5. Paradise Lost Book X read
6. yard fertilized
7. azaleas fertilized
8. roses fertilized
9. UNC National Champs 2009 merch ordered
10. a couple of other assignments
let no one say I don't live a thrilling life!
I've thought a lot about scuba diving recently. Not sure why.
One of the many things I'm amazed at is the way everything in one's mind & heart is so intricately connected. One thing goes wrong in one tiny area, and the tremors get shot out over all sorts of strands of the web. The mind rebels, or falls into a trance--and the body follows, taking with it the emotions, one's ability to react positively or constructively. Mental or emotional exertion, whether over the course of a month, a week or a few hours, can be far more tiring, even debilitating, than a 30-mile bike ride. And we all know heartsickness is the worst kind of all.
The Big Brother helped me mow the grass today, standing between my legs on the platform of the mower. We did the entire front yard that way. Little Red stood at the picture windows at the front of the house and screeched and yelled at us. He loved watching. And I loved watching his face light up when we would swing around in front of the house.
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