There are two things I mean to do every day:
1. Write in my journal
2. Post a blog entry
Neither has been happening. Usually, when my routine (and a morning routine is something I need) is disrupted, it means that something else is askew. A typical reason is that I've gotten behind in my work, or that I'm out of town. This time: well, I wish I could put my finger on it.
I should really be exercising. As I continue to shrink, that becomes even more crucial. But frankly: even the idea of getting out on the bike doesn't really hold that much interest. It's too cold in the early morning, and by the time I get home in the afternoon, I'm like a wrung-out sponge. Not to mention the time pressures in the evening as well. Pretty soon, I'll look like Redcrosse Knight when he is brought up out of Orgoglio's dungeon! What will be interesting to see is how the next episodes play out.
I hesitate, for fear of seeming obsessive. But the fact is that physically speaking, I've not felt very good for a month now. I think it's all related.
On the plus side:
I get to choose a new book to start reading! The one I want to read isn't in my possession, so I have to choose among my many other options.
Little Red is now growling, which makes for hilarious moments. He's also good at sign language, pointing to food and then pointing to his mouth.
The Little Boy played through an entire level on Lego Star Wars all by himself yesterday afternoon; he did it quickly, little fingers flying around on the control pad.
He also has drawn a picture of me; expect to see a reproduction soon.
In my 8:00 class yesterday, I ragged one of the students about her Fb status. The ensuing conversation led the student sitting right in front of me to ask, incredulity in her voice, "you're friends??"
Carolina in the Final Four. This time last year I was wearing Carolina ties, shirts, posting newspaper front pages on the door to my office . . . this year, nothing. I'm sure that signifies something. If only I knew what.
My mind is slow as molasses these days; even this little bit has taken me forever.
I am beginning to wonder and think that the slowness that you keep referring to and the other things is in reality caused by the amount of hair you have these days. It takes a whole lot more energy to move though air when you have so much resistance. It might also be taking the calories you eat for itself thereby making your body shrink. Not to mention that it might make your brain really tired by trying to hold it up. :)
In short...more hair=less productivity. Actually, your hair is not a problem (for those who are thinking I really do mind it being long), this was just a fun exercise for me. :)
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