
Adventures with Students, vol. 32

I don't want excuses.
Neither does Capt. Reynolds.

Yesterday I had a short conference with a student who has been a bit of a thorn in my flesh . . . the poor guy has several issues making it very difficult for him to be successful in college.  Among them is his inability to pass the remedial math class.  This summer he is taking it for the third straight semester, and it isn't going well.  After getting his latest test grade (31%), he was feeling awfully sorry for himself.  I asked him if he really needed to be in college, if the math is giving him this much misery.  He vehemently listed several reasons he needed to be here.  I then said, "in that case, you have to make this work, whatever it takes.  One thing you have to do is stop using Facebook until you've passed the class."  He kept trying to change the subject, mutter about not knowing how he can do it.  I kept reiterating, "you have to."  

I don't usually speak so bluntly, but he had finally gotten on my last nerve. 

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