
Adventures with Students, vol. 31

I try very hard to be a patient, compassionate, encouraging person.  Every semester I run into a few students who stumble for one reason or another (sometimes their fault, sometimes not).  Every semester I have a couple of students who are just not quite as socially adroit as their peers.  I try to work with them as best I know how; having challenging students is just part of the work, after all, and I've been teaching college classes for a decade (!) now. 

But this year absolutely takes the cake.  There have been too many.  I have simply run out of patience, especially with those who just keep pushing and essentially provide no effort in return.  There is one student who will fail my lit class, and there will be a huge uproar because of all the "challenges" she has had to face.  Well, I'll see your "challenges" and raise you the single mom trying to finish up while essentially escaping from an abusive boyfriend.  I'll see your "challenges" and raise you the mother of nine whose children are spread out over a couple of decades, who finished her work for me yesterday while trying to corral two boys here on campus. 

Sigh.  I'm tired. 

On the upside:  I am proud of my University Scholar, ELC--a bright and beautiful young woman heading to law school and probably an eventual judgeship.  Not going to see another one like her around here any time soon.  

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