
the $4000 question

The question:  did my online Shakespeare class make the grade?

The answer:  yes, it's good enough.

I'm glad . . . the money kinda helps repay the mental strain & stress of teaching a 5th class this term.  Now, are there questions worth asking about evaluating a course based on its adherence to a rubric containing items like

1.3 Etiquette expectations (sometimes called “netiquette”) for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication are stated clearly.

...but I will also admit that this online teaching methodology, along with its quirks, is something I need to get a handle on as my profession changes.  One of the worst fates I can imagine is to become even more of a dinosaur in this business. 

In all honesty, I don't feel like I did a great job, and I have some serious concerns about Blackboard 9 . . . but I'll gladly take whatever kudos get tossed my direction.

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