
Things that are awesome, Vol. 13

Levi's 501 Blue Jeans.

You may not care about this, dear reader (but it's my blog, so nyaaah nyaaah nyaaah), but I've had only one pair of jeans since 1990 that was NOT a pair of 501's.  When I was in high school, because of the effects of one day of sweat and Manila pollution, I had about seven pairs in various stages of wear.  By the time I finally learned to dress, I paired them with Chucks, and, though still a dork, assuredly, was a dork with a little bit of ability to dress.  I've gone from 30/34 (!) to 32/34 to 33/34 to 34/34 and back down to 32/34, and nowadays have to go to some effort to get a pair when I need one. 

These are not fancy jeans.  I know some makers sell their jeans for a lot more, and I guess they are considered to be more stylish or whatever.  And evidently, despite the wonderful utility of button-fly jeans, it's hard to find them if you don't want to wear 501's.  The only problem I've ever had is that in some cases, once the jeans get really worn (and comfortable), one of the buttonholes frays, and the button doesn't want to stay buttoned.  Fortunately, there are 5 buttons.  This may not be a big deal for many of you readers, but--perhaps paradoxically--501's are remarkably easy to remove.  One smart tug with a slight twist, and shoop! 

I guess the other thing is that these are not "loose" jeans unless you want to get a size that's overly large.  Relatively slim guys like myself appear to be the target.

Out here, a lot of folks tend to favor Wranglers, I've noticed, but I attribute that to certain cultural factors.

Oh, and I hate hate hate the new Levi's commercials.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

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