
Snow day 1

I woke up at 5:00 this morning with Little Red standing next to the bed wanting to be hoisted up.  That got me thinking, "I wonder if this 'Winter Weather Event' is actually going to close campus today," so I soon thereafter got out of the bed and crept into the den to check the situation on ol' Jack Wilton II, my trusty MacBook.  It was completely dry outside, but to my somewhat mild surprise, campus was closed today.  So I went back to bed.  At just before 6, there was another little boy in the room; pretty soon, all of us were there in a row.  Little Red found it entertaining; he hopped up and said, "Mama," pointing to The Spouse.  Then, "Dada," pointing to me.  then, "Jonntenn," pointing to Big Brother.  He went back and forth with that for a bit, upon which we decided it was time to get up . . .

 . . . so, I made pancakes and coffee.  And soon, The Big Brother was throwing up, so we adjusted to that new development.  Turns out he has Strep.  I went out once to get medicine, narrowly avoiding the plague of young men proving their manhood by driving huge trucks at high rates of speed.  Meanwhile, it started snowing . . . and I publicly ate my words on Facebook about us not getting but a half inch or so.  The bathroom repair guy came and worked through most of the late morning and afternoon.  I read some stuff both for school (Castiglione) and for fun (Vinge).

There has been a lot of watching of Scooby-Doo cartoons today.  Right now, it's a John Deere DVD.  Yeah, they make those.  I did manage to take Little Red out with me to get the mail . . . he was most amused with the snow, and almost immediately bent down and grabbed some--and put it in his mouth. 

Well, it's a good night to cuddle up somewhere warm. 

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