There are multiple varieties of pain, and it seems like yesterday was a time to experience several of them, at least second-hand--if not more closely.
My dearest friends are experiencing a nightmare, as someone they dearly love is suffering from an extreme manic episode. These kinds of episodes can be extremely destructive. They cannot do a thing to help from where they are, other than send messages of love and support. And of course I can't do anything but do the same.
I just found out that someone I know pretty well is divorcing his wife (a decision I think is mutual, from what I can tell--but I'm not asking).
I received an email from a good friend I recently re-connected with, someone who has been a true support and a good kind of challenge for me. But our communication has to more or less cease now--for various personal reasons on her end. She was clearly disturbed by it. I'm disappointed that it's come to this, but I'd never want to be a problem.
I read this at Sippican Cottage yesterday:
You can't win if you don't play, someone once said. A loser, most likely. A spectator, even more likely; the pinnacle of losers. What would they know about it?This is life, where the bitter is always hard by the sweet. There's more to say, of course--but when is there not? Lord have mercy on us all.
You see, you can't even play if you won't lose. That's the world. You have to steel yourself beforehand, understand that the game is fixed, and you're born to lose. That's the cover charge to even get on the pitch.
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