J took a look at Uncle B last Sunday and said, "heeeey, you look good!"
J took a break from his "rest time" yesterday to throw open a window and yell to me: "you did a good job mowing the grass, Daddy!"
J took a look at me just now (I'm dressed for church) and said, "you look good, Daddy!"
He's many things, but one of my favorites is that he's such a good-natured kid. Shy, but good-natured.
that's what good parenting gets you! A good kid! :) And i agree, uncle B does look GOOD! haha
Does he come by it honest?
Good question, anonymous! I guess that would be for others to decide upon careful observation. I know I'm shy, but "good natured" . . . hmmmm . . .
Well, the Little Boy is guapo just like his dad. And, Oh, how smart he is. You know his Uncle B was very good at deflecting trouble by being charming and using just at the right time.
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