On the coming of evening, I return to my house and enter my study; and at the door I take off the day's clothing, covered with mud and dust, and put on garments regal and courtly; and reclothed appropriately, I enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where, received by them with affection, I feed on that food which only is mine and which I was born for, where I am not ashamed to speak with them and to ask them the reason for their actions; and they in their kindness answer me; and for four hours of time I do not feel boredom, I forget every trouble, I do not dread poverty, I am not frightened by death; entirly I give myself over to them.
(Machiavelli, from a letter to Fransesco Vettori, 10 December 1513)
I taught Plato and Milton today.
1 comment:
That abode would be Hawks Rd., right? The ancient courts are inhabited by one smiling wife and two adorable munchkins, right?
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