Just a few thoughts & memories evoked by Mamaw's passing & burial:
- The nightly routine (when she could still see & hear): Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, the Braves game. If the Braves happened to fall behind, she'd turn the TV off and head back to bed.
- Every morning: she'd sit at her table, cup of coffee (was it instant? I don't remember), two pieces of toast with apple butter, and a soft paper towel to help her with her customary morning "sneezing spells" (as she called them)
- She loved crossword puzzles and the Daily Jumble.
- She also loved to play dominoes and cards--but heaven help you if you didn't play "right;" she could get feisty about her games.
- One of the things I've only ever eaten with Mamaw: salmon patties. She was also extraordinarily fond of pizza.
- "well, I'll be dogged!"
- "oh, foot!"
- On three occasions growing up, she visited us in the Philippines . . . once when I was a preschooler, once just after my youngest brother was born, and once when I was a sophomore in high school.
- I don't think I ever heard a cross word from her. I remember her ability to laugh at herself, her wet sloppy kisses, patting my back while calling me "buddy boy."
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