(that's her in the middle, with the gloves--a few years ago)
Here are some of the memories I treasure:
**Doing math flash cards with her when I was a preschooler.
**The Garfield birthday cakes.
**The night she sneaked into our bedroom, face plastered with cold cream, and gave me the fright of my life. I think I actually managed to climb the wall.
**She finally drilled me & drilled me on those damn math time tests (100 addition problems in three minutes! it took me a year and a half to successfully pass the first level!).
**How she would step into a taxi cab with such authority: derecho lang!
**Visiting her in the hospital just after she gave birth to my youngest brother.
**That time she made me re-write & re-submit the John Paul Jones research paper--for no credit--just to make me do it the right way.
**Her valiant typing-up of my middle school research papers--late into the night.
**We used to go scuba diving--she would sit up on the boat & "watch for the bubbles," as she put it.
**Listening to her and Aunt Carol tell stories from the Dagupan days, including the one about the rats, and the one about the scissors.
**She and Dad never missed a performance of any kind, not one.
how sweet! i love that photograph. she is gorgeous.
Oh, how glad I am that you remember so much. I love you for the excellent man that you have become. And that is totally apart from all of your accomplishments,even though those are/were awesome, too.
I regret making you rewrite the paper, though.
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