You knew I was too weak to just walk away entirely.
Speaking of which: here's a fun game, called the Enneagram. It will tell you more unpleasantness about yourself than you thought possible. I learned about it last Tuesday, and no, it's not really a game. Far from it. The psychotherapist I've been working with has taken to calling me a "Romantic," which I would love to see as a massive & unjust calumny--if it weren't so true. At least according to this paradigm.
I'm a 4.
I'm a 4.
Am I happy about being a 4? the "Romantic," the "Individualist," the "Sensitive, Introspective Type," who struggles with, among other things, the conviction that I "have no identity or personal significance," and the festive trio of "melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity"? No. Hell, no. Maybe the worst part here is that it's forcing me to admit that I'm an emotional person who has learned (to my great cost) to mistrust feelings. It may say something that I've focused on the problem/challenge areas.
On the other hand, this could be useful to know. The paradigm can't show me how to fix it (or I guess I should say "show me how to make it healthy rather than destructive), but it can illumine "what in me is dark." It's a start.
Cue Track 2 on Peter Gabriel's US.
(diagram from ashlandenneagram.com)
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