
Looking to kill some time?

Those of you with video game systems or computers--ps2, xbox, gamecube, pc, mac, game boy, nintendo ds--you need to do yourself a favor and get ahold of Lego Star Wars. It is a major hit at Luigi's Mansion, our abode. W, who's not much of a video game fan (besides this game and Wario Ware), absolutely loves it: it's perfect for two players, controls are simple, the worst that happens is that your little lego person falls apart (i.e., it's basically nonviolent), and replayability is out of sight. Plus, it's legos! Who doesn't like legos?

And here's the best part: the sequel is coming out in September! You've got time to finish the first one before the second one is on the shelf at Target! Buzzard, I'm talking to you!


blakbuzzrd said...

I had it, but got rid of it. No one would really play with me regularly, and it wasn't any fun playing by myself.

But it was fun when playing with Shel!

Anonymous said...

Don't I know it!!! Bought it to play with the girls and some boys I occasionally watch just a few weeks ago. Hannah loves it (though we limit it to about once a week), and I'm just starting to play with Tracey now!

Can't wait till this fall!!