
Two Updates

  1. PowerBook now safe from malicious theft; History department chair now safe from wheedling English professor begging use of master key. They got me an office key that works. Now I can put up my priceless works of art!
  2. Piers set straight on a bit of sloppy writing. In the post below, ES responds with a lengthy and pointed critique. I recognize that I got rhetorically sloppy in my initial post. I don't attribute the dishonest thinking to "most of my colleagues," as I said originally. I should have said that folks who get caught up in messes like this often use such-and-such a fraudulent defense. I don't know that many people, for one thing, and for the other, I haven't gone to school or work with more than one or two who evidence that kind of mendacity. My main point is that we professors need to be careful about the power we intentionally and unintentionally wield. Suitably chastened, I am at least glad to note that somebody is reading this stuff.

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