
Aha! Nothing Like Clear Direction

From our in-house newsletter:

"More students who finish their degrees, research that sparks economic development and programs that reach across the state and around the world are the targets of a strategic plan being introduced this week by University of Tennessee President [name removed by Piers for lack-of-tenure reasons].


"A year in the making, the plan is organized into three mission-oriented focus areas: student access and success; research and economic development; and outreach and globalization. Benchmarks have been set for several defining elements of each focus area, and yearly goals, both external and internal, are being set through 2012. Internal benchmarks and goals are intended to enable the mission targeted by external goals."

Wow. You could come up with wording like this in fifteen minutes at a sports bar. Is there a class of university bureaucrat whose job it is to generate boilerplate like this? I know, I know, I'm being unfair. This is just a newsletter blurb; more details are forthcoming, and all that.

But hey, while I'm on a roll, more unfairness: note the lack of faculty development. And I wonder, is the boneheaded "merit pay" scheme part of this strategic plan?

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