
Life with a Toddler, Volume 5

1. Any surface in the house, including its fuzzy and grownup inhabitants, is a good place to drive your toy car.

2. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but the folks who do Elmo know what they're about. We don't go a day without the request "watch Elmo?"

3. We're getting adventurous. . . just yesterday, he was diving headfirst off the couch onto the floor. We had to encourage the "foot-first" approach.

4. We're also into kissing. The other day, he had Mommy kiss all of the stuffed animals after he'd kissed them. This morning, he was taking the zebra from Noah's Ark and having it kiss all its four-footed cousins: lion, alligator, giraffe, panda, hippo.

5. We're beginning to need the phrase "excuse me," if you know what I mean.

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