
Gee, thanks.

The official announcement came today that all faculty members are in line for a 1% raise, with an additional 1% for those in the "merit" pool.  Well, how about that.  Kind friends, do the math based on your own pay:  what kind of raise is 1%?  Going to be enjoying filet mignon on that extra money, eh?

The  president of this state university system says that this new merit-based pay scheme will help us retain faculty members by rewarding those who do well (apparently by shortchanging those who somehow fail to make the "merit" category).  I don't know who he's been talking to.  What this essentially does is put young faculty in the position of looking for ways out.  The suits in Nashville and Knoxville may be patting themselves on the back for providing raises, but around here it reads like a kick in the shins and a middle finger salute to boot.

Understand:  I'm thankful to have the job here, and I am perfectly happy in my work, and I'm not looking to get rich quick or otherwise.  But in a year where our state budget is in surplus, and in a state with a so-called "education lottery" (a crock for another day), this is the best we can do?  

I bite my thumb at you, sir!


hermance said...

Oh, don't get me started on the "education" lottery. I was so proud living in a state without one, until the governor rammed it through here too. Argh.

Sorry to hear the news. I just got the very bad news that I have to pay my tuition for this past spring and subsequently have a huge bill with the cashier's office. So, it seems we have a shared day of financial plight with bloated educational institutions.

Piers said...

Well, you do know how they do billing down there, don't you? There's a big wheel a-la The Price is Right, and they spin it twice: once to choose the PID of an unlucky soul, and once to determine how much she owes.

Just think of these as the final indignities UNC grants you on your way out the door. Makes saying goodbye a little easier, that's for sure.