
It's swimmin' time!

Some men find this time of year a good excuse to look at women in swimsuits (or less, as we've recently seen in the always-strange SI Swimsuit Issue).

Me, I'm a thoroughly reconstructed Twenty-first Century male.

Me, I prefer looking at women in swimsuits J. Lileks style. If you're familiar with his stuff, you'll know that though these are young women in swimsuits, it's not exactly SI Swimsuit Issue material.

On another note, the Little Boy actually got into the community swimming pool this week. Had a big time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I could really get that fish net bathing suit to catch on her in Martin. Whatcha think? Should I give it a go next week at the pool? I bet the moms there would love it...not to mention the 3 teenage boys who are the lifegaurds during toddler swim--they aren't getting to enjoy the SI swimsuit look during that time either!