
Sunday Night Family Fun

We just spent about half an hour in the hall bathroom, listening to the tornado sirens, the weather radio, and Jonathan's snoring. Sidney eventually settled down, purring, on my belly. Thankfully, the little boy didn't ever fully wake up. It was hot in there with four bodies!


blakbuzzrd said...

Oh, gosh. I heard about the storms this weekend, but for some reason the idea that Martin was in the swath of them didn't occur to me. Got to get my geography mojo back on.

Glad you guys are safe, man.

Anonymous said...

But it was such fun bonding with the sweaty family. :)

hayumbone said...

Was the kitty restless in the way that animals can be in such situations, or was it simply that he hated being cooped up? Knowing Sid, it could be either. But I bet the eventual purring was nice.

SO glad you all are okay.