
My New Obsession

Time to face it: the running thing isn't working. I have, periodically over the past four years or so, taken up running with my wife. She loves the sport--and these days is up to 5-6 miles at least three times a week . . .while pushing JD in the baby jogger. Meanwhile, I spend every spring huffing and puffing my way through three or so miles three days a week, and pretty much stay at that level through the summer and into early fall. Then it gets cold, and my breathing gets to the point where it's excruciatingly painful, so I give up.

Here we are, and it's April again. I've tried to enjoy running, I really have. I've tried to make it work as a regular exercise. But because I literally cannot breathe outside in the cold air, I find myself at the same beginning place every April.

So, here's the new plan:

We live in the perfect place for it: lots of flat land, wide roads, low population. I don't aspire to be a Lance, but I would like a moderately decent bike for riding to work and a good aerobic workout.

Unfortunately, as beautiful as this new plan might be, there are a couple of flies in the ointment. Six flies, actually. All with Ben Franklin's face. And then there are the accoutrements. Yow!

Yet, somehow, I'll make this happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, dude! You won't regret it.

One of the things I know I'll miss when we do one day move somewhere else is the ride to and from school every day. Some of my best ideas come to me on the bike.