
Springtime, and the town comes alive

It seems that over the last week or so, the town has been bursting with activity. Some good, some not-so-good.

I guess everyone knows that we had a bit of rough weather this past week; it actually all skipped right over our corner of Weakley County, so we had sunshine & clear skies while other places were being torn to bits. Still, lots of folks around here have kin or friends who have been directly affected by the storms. I have one student who actually had the misfortune of coming upon a couple of his neighbors after they had been slain by one of the tornadoes.

This weekend, our church choir is presenting our easter musical (verdict: noisy!); meanwhile, the Spring College Rodeo is going on at the university. It's a three-day event, and it's a big, big deal, drawing folks from all over. There's also a light opera being presented by the music department, and a brass concert coming up on Monday night.

Today, we had the annual easter egg hunt out at the park; it was about 50 degrees with a stiff breeze, so we froze. Jonathan didn't seem to care--it was too fun to put all those colorful things in the basket. Lots of folks came out, but fortunately there were plenty of those nasty candy eggs for all.

Our neighbors (the ones up the hill) are in town for a couple of days; in the past two weeks, they've been home about one day. They're spending most of their time fishing on the Tennessee River.

The new 'fancy' restaurant in town is now open; it's called "The Opera House." Seems to be a nice place--at least the facade is impressive.

Everything's turning green again. It sure looks a lot different out here when the leaves and grasses start coming back. And the general level of activity in the town has dramatically increased--when the plants come out, so does everyone else!

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