
Monday Update, First Day of First Grade Edition

What we spent the weekend doing:  whatever Number One Son wanted.  That put us in Paducah at Ya-Ya's Island, and at Noble Park, and then eating dinner at Pizza Inn.  The good thing is that a pizza buffet is an awfully easy way to satisfy three little boys.

With the start of the school year comes The Runner's return to her usual schedule.  Most importantly, that means she's back to running with the two little ones.  There has been some added tension in town since an attempted attack on a runner last weekend, but she's strong and smart.  I mean STRONG--that double jogger with Little Red and The Youngest One weighs a ton.

Speaking of the regular schedule, Number One Son was back at Little Ninjas last week.  The building they are in has really weak a/c, so on a week when we had temps topping 100, it was an oven in there.  The martial arts thing is making us wonder about the usual soccer season:  is it prudent to have him do both?  I'm interested in him sticking with the martial arts; The Runner would rather him focus on some team sports. . . how much driving around are we willing to do, seeing as he'll also have church activities two afternoon/evenings per week?

First day of first grade.  He was completely hyper last night, and up before we were this morning.

The Runner watched the older two boys in the yard yesterday and commented:  "Little Red is going to be so lost tomorrow."  I'll be interested to see how it has gone today.

I have had the pleasure of dealing with some surprisingly bright students this summer.  I've also had the pleasure of dealing with some extraordinarily difficult ones.  The Runner has reminded me, bless her, that I can't help everyone.

Another pleasure at work:  they have been drilling so loudly that it is hard to think.  They went from 7:30 - 3:30 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week.  I may be weak-minded or something, but I find it almost impossible to accomplish anything in a situation like this.

I got another one of my long-wished-for objects this past week:  A Namiki Falcon fountain pen, unique in modern pen construction because of its flexible nib (it's possible to find more flexible nibs if you special order or buy vintage). 

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