
Monday Update, "Engage" Edition

It is with a sigh of relief that we settle into the schedule that we'll maintain for the next several months.  Even yesterday, The Runner admitted that she felt like things are more in hand now than they were even a couple of weeks ago.  We spent most of Saturday doing yard work.  The Runner dug up, divided, and transplanted some overly large hostas, etc.  Fortunately, she enjoys such things.

It has been difficult to refrain from bragging on Number One Son.

The Youngest is suffering from a pulmonary infection at the moment . . . he had a hard weekend, which means he let The Runner have a full dose of the crankies.

Little Red is just Little Red.  Famous among students across this campus.

The meetings this past week have highlighted what I've thought for a while:  higher ed both in this state and in the country is going through a transitional period; priorities and methods are changing whether we want them to or not, and we haven't yet caught up to the new demands.  I have reasonable faith in the administrative leadership of this campus (or at least most of it).  I do not have as much faith in the leadership provided by El Presidente (my moniker for this year's faculty senate president). 

Attending that many meetings saps my energy like nothing else.

The renovation of the classroom space in our building is allegedly complete, apart from the fixing of the few problems that are sure to surface over the course of the next few weeks.  I like having better lighting and better desks for the students . . . I'm not as thrilled about the changed configurations of some of the classrooms.  I'll adjust, though.  I think it's just part of my teaching "style" that the setup of the room makes a big difference.

I'm enjoying a watch-through of Star Trek: The Next Generation, thanks to Netflix (which explains the picture above).  The Runner is surprisingly receptive, for which I'm grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey loves to hear you brag on Number One Son. If need be, just send the brags to me. M-I-L