
Aventures in Parenting, Vol. 29

The following was Number One Son's schedule this past week:

Monday:  School.  SMACK (church kids' choir).
Tuesday:  School.  SMACK.
Wednesday:  School.  Little Ninjas.
Thursday:  School.  Soccer practice.

Looking ahead, it appears that the average week will include at least one activity each afternoon/evening Monday - Thursday.  I wonder if perhaps that's too much for a 6-year-old.  Granted, the Tuesday afternoon activity is directly after school until 5 (when he would otherwise be at the after-school program at the day care), and the other days are one-hour sports activities in the late afternoon, but I don't want us to be living in our van and eating in shifts every night of the week.  Especially when we get two boys going on these things (Little Red will start some of these things next summer). 

How much counts as enrichment, and how much is just robbing them of the unstructured play The Runner and I so strongly believe in?

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