
Weekend Update

1.  I spoke to a depressingly large number of students this week who were facing real trouble, either emotional, medical, or legal.  I tried to encourage, to be positive, to tell them that they can manage.  And now:  the outcome no one sees.  I'm hollowed-out inside. 

2.  The Runner says that I'm "different" from most people.  What I've found interesting in the conversations that have gone on this week is that what other people see is so far distant from what I see.

3.  Two snow days in two weeks makes for a happy Kindergartner, and a frustrated college professor.  I trust that we have seen the last of the frozen precipitation in our little corner of NWTN.

4.  It's a miracle!  The Kindergartner and Piers himself have managed to avoid all the infections and viruses and what-not that have been mowing down other members of the family. 

5.  The Vulcan Baby is now both snaggletoothed (three have emerged; two more on the way very shortly...four of them on top) and walking pretty much wherever he wishes.

6.  I was told yesterday by an older (voting) colleague that my tenure application looked very impressive . . . I hope it's both tenure-procuring and promotion-worthy.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Great update Chris. I can certainly understand the feeling of being "hollowed out" and that burden you must be carrying for those students. We will pray that all will improve soon!

Glad you and J have avoided the sicknesses but sorry for all the rest in your family. Hope everyone has improved as the weather improved this weekend.
I have no doubt that your tenure application is one of the most impressive they have ever seen. Awaiting with you the good news that it has been accepted and approved.
Now - have a great week and hopefully you will not be as burdened with student woes as you have this past week.