
Adventures in parenting, vol. 17

So, with the Christmas break behind us, how has The Kindergartner responded to his return to school?  He cried on Sunday because he wasn't going to get to go to school Monday; this morning he was so excited about getting back to school he couldn't eat his oatmeal.  I'd say he was ready to get back.

We also made our return to Tae Kwon Do last night; he and his little buddies worked awfully hard!  Lots of running, jumping, grappling.  It's fun to watch The Kindergartner get increasingly comfortable and confident with what they're doing in there...I think this will continue to pay dividends in terms of his general confidence and strength. 

Meanwhile, Little Red stumbled out of his room this morning just about ten minutes before I left to drop the older brother off; he immediately climbed up in my lap and snuggled close.  I love those moments. 

1 comment:

Heather said...

I wish Christian had been as excited to go back to school as The Kindergartner. Snuggling with the kiddos is the best!