
*slice slice sew sew*

Dang.  Looks like my modeling career is really going to be hard to get off the ground now.  You know, if I could grow a proper beard, at least I could go the "full academic" route.  But nooooooo.

On the upside, they apparently got all of the cancer.  Yay, I guess?  As that dermatologist said at the Ambulatory Care Center in Chapel Hill:  "you'll get more of these."  And so I have.  And so I will. 

Trying to come up with a good story to tell my classes on Monday.


Dad said...

Chris - you have been on my mind this morning and when I checked your blog up pops this picture. I know this is not a happy time for you and I hope the swelling will go down quickly. Sorry you have to face this challenge in your life but glad for your spirit in facing it. I know the boys must think this is a really BIG BOBO! I love you son and hope the weekend will be restful for you.

Unknown said...

Dang, bro, you look like Quasimodo from the Disney film!! bwaaahahaha!

Just playing! I hope the school year is starting off well for you and that you heal quickly and painlessly.