The past couple of months have been most frustrating for The Spouse, because whereas I was supplied with a powerful computer (a 13-in. aluminum unibody MacBook), she has been stuck using the Dell desktop or my old trusty 12-in. iBook from ABD days at UNC. Neither of those computers is powerful enough . . .
. . . to run Farm Town.
That's right, the greatest irritation about our aged home computers was not unreliability (though the Dell is so crufty now, it runs like a laboring mule), but their speed in running a Java applet on Facebook. And in fetching email, which also appears to be giving the Dell fits.
So enter the new White MacBook, just arrived today fresh from the farm at Cupertino, or wherever these devices come from. Along with her free (after rebate) iPod touch, she is just swimming in new technology. I'm setting it up now, downloading updates, etc. If it performs as faithfully as Tama-Chan (apologies to R&S) did, it will have been a superb investment.
damn! mine didn't come with an ipod touch. uuugh! jealous.
Congratulations! Enjoy! Can I have your antique? A certain
JAH feels that a "trusty old one" is good enough until it coughs its last gasp. Mind you, this one was the youngest "bear's" leftover antique...I go make coffee while bejeweled is loading....Need I say more?
Grammie needs to stop complaining about our outstanding Dell computer. Thanks to David we have every program known to man loaded on that thing and sometimes I just sit in wonder at what could be done by someone who knows what they are doing. It is a little slow - as in watch TV while the next page loads. So I guess we will have to do something soon to keep up with the times and with the children!
A thanks goes to Memaw for sharing the wealth with her children and grandchildren. Not great wealth but certainly a help in these difficult economic times.
Enjoy the new computer Weslee and it is great to know you can "farm" with the best of them.
Love to all
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