
Laid Low

I've just had 36 hours of the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. I've read about migraine headaches and the fact that they're debilitating, but I didn't really 'appreciate' it until this morning, when I couldn't even get out of bed.

Went to the doctor, got a shot, feel better--by which I mean that I'm not completely incapacitated.


blakbuzzrd said...

That is awful, man. Are migraines something in your family? I don't know much about the phenomenon, but I have read more than one account of how incapacitating they can be.

Piers said...

That's the weird thing: I've never had one, and no one in the family is prone to them, either. But let me tell you: it was about as bad as it gets. You start wondering if it's a brain tumor, or one of those slugs Kahn likes to stick in the ears of Starfleet officers.