
From the garden

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It's not a lot, but this is our first shot at growing our own
vegetables. It's fulfilling to eat stuff that you've worked on
and grown with your own hands. Actually, my favorite part about
being out there is the smell of the basil, the tomato plants, the dirt
they're planted in. Just let me say, too, that bell peppers out
of the garden are 100% tastier than the strip-mined kind you get at
your local Harris Teeter. That said, I wish we had a Harris Teeter. . .


Anonymous said...

Ooohhhh, aaahh. Me envious

hayumbone said...

Did I mention how good the tomato was? We had it for lunch the proper Southern way -- sliced with salt and pepper -- one day when Fashion Kitty and the Little Chub were here.

We sat it (yes, I did type "sat") in the kitchen window to let it finish ripening, and I smelled it every day just for that gardening, raw-earth smell it had.

Thanks for sharing -- both the actual and virtual fruits of your garden!